For this Looking Back post, we take a break from the theme parks and turn our attention to the Walt Disney World Resorts in June 1996. We stayed at one resort during our trip, and we visited several others. And I just happened to take a few photos along the way. Hang on to your hats for a whirlwind tour!
Dixie Landings For this visit, we stayed at the Dixie Landings Resort.
Continuing in our June 1996 visit, this time around we visit Epcot. Epcot had lost its original name of EPCOT Center a few years earlier, and more changes were going on during our visit. We did not spend all that much time in Epcot during this visit, and because of that there are not that many photos in this post. But some photos are better than none, so here we go!
This time around, we are visiting Disney-MGM Studios in June 1996. Of course, many years later, this park became known as Disney’s Hollywood Studios, which is its current name. But back in 1996, the MGM portion of the name was still going strong. And in that year, Disney-MGM Studios had some new additions. Check out the photos below!
One of the recent additions at Disney-MGM Studios was the Hollywood Tower Hotel, home of the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.
Laura and I took a trip to Walt Disney World in June 1996. We actually visited the Magic Kingdom on two separate days during our trip (Remember back when there were only 3 parks? Or even further back when there were only 2 parks? Or only one park? Okay, so the one park days were before my time.). During our visits, we had some sun and some rain, just what you would expect from Central Florida weather.